Interesting. I was just writing about the feminine and masculine archetypes and how they relate to our personal integrity and then I saw this article. If it's been feeling a bit intense lately, remember it is 2011 - the cusp of 2012. And it is a BIG year for many of us. All of us.
I did an amazing (and unexpected) ritual yesterday with the shedding of my old skin. I think this is happening in just about every paradigm on the planet right now and it is important to realize that we are in good stead and hands.
The bulk of this article describes the various planetary influences (that began yesterday, Mar 9) that are carrying us through some major collective steps (though the focus is on our individual paths in an amped-up way) and perhaps initiations. In any case, they are things that seem to be common experiences for many of us right now and they may have been feeling extra intense. These include focuses that many of us have been speaking of such as: truly disentangling from family patterning and claiming our inner authority, embracing ourselves as individuals, not letting too much humbleness act as a block to standing fully in our power, and entering into a new and unknown paradigm and leaping into it. Can feel rather wobbly right about now! If you are feeling these things as I have been experiencing just about ALL of them from the article, lol, the message of the day is to slow it down, relax, ride the wave, and trust the process. Love your design!!
I am also personally finding that synchronicities especially in shared information are quite profound at this time.
"Remain true to yourself as well as to the beauty revealed. Retain your personal integrity even in the moment where you are most fully immersed."
Here is the article:
(rather lengthy but worth the time when you can)

On the 9th March 2011 we will begin an intense 234 days of transformation and integration leading to a new level of consciousness, according to Mayan Calendar authority Carl Calleman. Calleman describes the shift as the Ninth Step in Consciousness – the Universal Underworld, the last step before the completion of the current period of human evolution. The original step – Cellular Underworld – began over 1 billion years ago.
According to Calleman the next 234 days will consist of periods of intensity lasting 9 days followed by a descending intensity for the next 18 days when we are able to integrate the higher energies. The Ninth Wave is about creating harmony from what has evolved previously, to let go of old personal agenda’s and begin manifesting unity consciousness with all that is. This represents a choice between truth and tradition.
9th March 2011 ~ (set for noon Hawaii ~ see note below)
We have been uncovering a hidden aspect of self over the past 18 months, removing blocks and obstructions from the emotional, mental and cellular layers. This ninth wave represents the beginning of a new journey, the release of something that has not been present in your life before. Expect to discover surprising new things about yourself. Recognise that we are brand new here, we don’t know our way. We must be humble and allow ourselves time to learn who we are and how we can be.
The key features of this chart are
■moving away from helping others and becoming more aligned with imagining our own best life
■becoming aware of the way we have internalised the ancient feminine/masculine roles
■and how we extrapolate them out into our relationships
■maturing into becoming our own authority
■learning to operate alone and without support or approval from others
■opening up to authentic and intimate encounters with others in all circumstances
■letting go of sensitivity to critisism and rejection
■releasing our need for external status of jobs, trophy partners, etc
Life or DeathThe activations are for a Body connection to Soul (Spleen to Ji), in a channel that gives us a profound opportunity to align our behaviour with our instinctive selves (57-10). This is the “anti-zombie channel” – it has the capacity to inform our cells with spiritual light rather than adrenal based pressure to do, to replace the death energy in our cells with life energy.
The current activations to the Spleen and Solar Plexus Centres release unconscious material stowed deep within our cells, making peace between our civilized and wild selves and releasing dammed up vital energy. They release our instinctual nature from it’s pallid prison of false morality, our emotional energy from rigid convention, and our mental awareness from slavery into creative play.
Saturn in the Spleen Centre has been busy presenting us with difficult situations that have forced us to release old subconscious material down to the cellular level. This has created a false perception of a lack of wellbeing, as we reversed out of old patterns of ill health. Not that we haven’t suffered the symptoms, but the cause has not been illness in the conventional sense, but a vibration of illness giving us the chance to see and clear it from our lives. That process is likely to continue till September 2011, but the intensity will lessen.

The Sun is in the Solar Plexus Centre, in Gate 22, showing us the beauty of a gentle submission to the time it takes to see the bigger picture. Rushing ahead keeps us trapped in fear and survival. Withdrawing and withholding prevents us from our abundance. This from Hilary Barrett’s I Ching:
- Remain true to yourself as well as to the beauty revealed. Retain your personal integrity even in the moment where you are most fully immersed, having plunged deeply and swiftly into the water of experience. Don’t drown in your imaginings, stay aware of what you are accepting into yourself and why. You can swim with the river’s current without dissolving into it. -
This aligns so clearly with the fire and water elements that we have received in the last Full Moon and New Moon. Our own flame continues to shine brightly, even in deep water. We maintain the individual flame of our soul light while joining into universal consciousness. In fact, universal consciousness cannot evolve if we allow our Self to drown in it.
One of the most significant ideas upon us now is to understand HOW we can flow and maintain our individuality. Isn’t it an either/or situation? Doesn’t it go like this: “We can be individuals, or we can be part of the collective”. We tend to see it that way because of our conditioning – our fear of rejection. Our fear that we are not special enough to be included, not good enough to be invited in, not creative enough to contribute something worthwhile and not lovable enough to attract companions. This pandemic of fear had become our reality, bleeding into our relationships and institutions, breeding issues of hierarchy and control. But now, we’ve stepped out of the game, and the game is breaking down.
I recently listened to an interview with a man who was wounded in the first of the demonstrations in Libya. A family man, he heard about the demonstration in the morning and knew he had to be there. Even though he realised his life would be at risk, he couldn’t say no to this rare chance to claim freedom from tyranny for his children. In some way, we are all facing that same choice.

The Libyans know this. The want to keep foreign interference out of the current unrest, because they know that it would create complex new relationships that will bind up any new government. On a personal level it’s similar – we can support each other without the kind of helping that is basically interference.
The Earth is in Gate 47 – Oppression and Exhaustion – in the Ajna Centre. When we give our minds control, everyone loses the plot. Left in charge but with no access to true awareness, the mind is like a frightened and lost child. It’s only ally is the shallow ego self, a shell of bombast or a ghost hiding away from the world (probably a combination of both), leading us into oppression and exhaustion. In line 3, the Earth explains that we have been reaching for things that are toxic to us. But now we are transitioning to a time when our mind can go back to it’s creative playfulness, giving over to our true authority – emotional and physical knowing.
One of the most profound shifts we are experiencing is a true relationship between all three areas of awareness – our mental, emotional and instinctive awareness. This completely removes inner conflict because every aspect of ourselves gets a say in our lives in each moment.
With Chiron conjunct Snow White in the Gate of Abundance (55.2), we are waking up from a deep sleep to find a crisis has developed. Where is the Prince? The Earth in Gate 47 says that the real partnership we seek is hidden within us. There’s no saviour here but you. And even though you might feel like you’ve lost your way, the truth is that there is something inside you that knows. And it’s this part of you that is coming back to life. Again, here is the idea that we have to take the risk to be alone, to face aloneness, to go on alone and without support. This is a paradox, because with Sappho also in Gate 55.2, we are assured of friendly companions. They are our abundance just now. But they will only reveal ourselves once we have taken the risk and leapt into the unknown.

The Moon is in the Yin/Yin hexagram representing the Earth, The Receptive (2). Dark, fomenting, a container from which the chaos gives birth to form, the Moon in this gate asks you to trust your inner knowing over anything outside yourself. The subconscious self can know things that the rational mind and the light of day do not understand. The Moon in this gate also suggests the need to wait for the light of clear day to show us the way rather than tripping over our compulsive drive for security and safety that comes from living in the lunar half light.
Subtle signs show the way and when you apply sensitivity you can see the patterns of what is coming. Your steps are so important, tiny changes now determine the pathways of the future.
Mercury is conjunct Uranus in the Gate of Innocence (25). Orpheus, Apollo and Hera is in the adjoining Gate of Shock (51). There is a teasing out of the self in relationship, as we disentangle ourselves from family dynamics (Apollo) and the power struggles of roles and ownership (Hera). Orpheus wants to look to the other as a way of saving himself, but we’ve been down that road for so long we’ve lost ourselves. If ever the saying was true it’s now – the one about letting go of what you love and if it comes back to you it is yours. Each one of us is striving, even driven, to be as truly and passionately ourselves as we can possibly be and in some ways there feels like a need to ditch the other as too much ballast. And at the same time to cling as tightly as we can out of fear of aloneness.
But that’s the old view of what’s going on. In the new reality we are fellow travellers and the isolation we may experience reveals itself as an illusion. The more we love ourselves, the more love there is. The defined Ji Centre makes loving each other a natural way of life.
We are awakening and coming back to ourselves, drawing closer to a greater spirit of togetherness. To do so we need to continue to release all the cellular aspects that still hold onto the old notion of romantic love and family, financial status, career ladders, academic authority, parental authority and any other type of externalised authority or role. (Venus in 19.2 and Pluto in 58.4, and Thereus conjunct Achilles in 16). This could create great anxiety and/or depression. Look for the old belief, the old story and allow your breath to carry it out of your system. If you feel the need to control or judge, remind yourself that everything is just how it needs to be, even if it looks like it could endanger you in some way. The danger is likely to be old shame, old guilt, old fear. No longer present.
When Mercury and Uranus meet we can expect flashes of intuitive knowing, as the personal mind opens up to universal inspiration. This process will release us from the need to identify with or claim importance from a label or role.

Jupiter in the Heart Centre, in the Gate of Biting Through meets the asteroid Diana in Gate 45. Do you feel hunted, as if your wild self is trapped in trying to make ends meet? Make enough money to survive? Keep up with the Jones? Jupiter and Diana are letting us know to look within for our resources. Jupiter will show us where we have tended to take our gifts too lightly, where we have resisted opportunity, and where we have been reckless with treasure we should have valued more. We need to stop trying to get others to take responsibility for our abundance and begin to develop our own creative powers. Between 9th and 12th March we get a free pass, so keep your eyes open, and be ready to leap at any opportunity presented, even though it may not seem perfect.
It’s likely we may also experience an increase in interference in our lives. But in this new Jupiter cycle we can see the real cause of the interference, rather than a narrowly focused annoyance at the symptoms. We are looking from a broader perspective and so our response creates great change.
Saturn has been a profound activator since it joined Haumea in the Gate of Intuitive Clarity (57) in early December 2010. They meet the North Node in Gate 10, connecting the Spleen Centre to the Ji Centre – body connecting to soul. A humble and gentle approach to life allows us to penetrate deeply, and to receive as much as possible from each experience. There is a combination here of moving patiently forward, only taking action in the direction of your dreams when the time is right. The day to day grind that makes up the working world for most people is completely unnecessary.
On the other hand, if we are too humble we get thrown off course. Busy-ness with no real purpose is the result. When it is time to act, we should act. Note that both Haumea and Saturn both carry the potential for volcanic response, to blow off the old subconscious material and create ‘new land’ for ourselves.
One of the negative aspects of Saturn is loneliness, and the connection with Haumea has brought up the loss of family for many. I am using the word family in a broad sense. Saturn and Haumea have made it very clear to us that we need community to prosper.
Pluto is in the Gate of Joy, simply making sure that we can see where we are giving away our authority over our own lives and allowing ourselves to be pressured away from our natural joyful experience of life. How can you fully enjoy the moment? What more can you bring to your experience and expression of now?

This is a summary of the major planets and other significant influences for the Human Design Transit chart for 9th March 2011. Over the next few days and weeks we are set to experience a wave of spiritual initiations as we launch into the Ninth Wave of Universal Consciousness. I will post a video showing the first set of those waves tomorrow.
** I’ve used noon in Hawaii for the chart, based on advice from Calleman (via Alecia R.)
Read more on the Ninth Wave ~ http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/dawn_of_the_unity_wave.htm
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