Thursday, April 28, 2011

Which path do I choose - fear or love?

Most of us think that love is our relationship to some other person or object in the physical plane and it is not. Love is our relationship with the source of all life and consciousness, and that implies trust and confidence. The real meaning of faith.


As we create all that happens to us through our thoughts, beliefs and expectations it behooves us to be cautious when we use the most powerful creative words in the English language – ‘I AM’.

We are not our emotions, yet we identify so strongly with them that we find ourselves saying ‘I am angry’, ‘I am a failure’, ‘I am sick’ instead of knowing these to be strong feelings and acknowledging them as such.

‘I feel angry’, I feel a failure’, I feel sick’ is seeing things as they are and knowing that these are not permanent conditions … unless you cling to them by identifying with them.

If you would penetrate these emotions you would find that they become self revelatory as you are lead to the beliefs behind such feelings. When you become more and more aware of your directing influence upon what seems to ‘happen’ to you, your conscious mind will no longer fear the emotions, or the body, as threatening or unpredictable, but sense the great creative collaboration that is inherent, and you will begin to take responsibility for your own creations.

Physical phenomena are not the cause of your beliefs and emotions, but the result. Awareness is the key to creation. Become aware of your thoughts and feelings and see how often you choose fear. Realise that these feelings form your experience.

The bottom line of every challenge you face is ‘which path shall I choose, fear or love’? Indeed, every personal problem, every global event whether it be natural disasters, wars or other forms of violence asks the same question of you. ‘Which path shall you choose, fear or love’?

Most of us think that love is our relationship to some other person or object in the physical plane and it is not. Love is our relationship with the source of all life and consciousness, and that implies trust and confidence. The real meaning of faith.

Know that you have never done anything wrong and that you are not being punished. Nor are you abandoned or unloved. The moment you become aware of your inseparable relationship to the Source of all life and consciousness, you can consciously draw on its greater strength, understanding and energy.

It is always available, but your conscious intent will bring about certain changes in you that will automatically trigger such benefits. You do not have to be a mystic to use these powers. All you need is intent. Show your intent by saying to yourself mentally over and over again – ‘I CHOOSE LOVE’

Every time you feel the emotions of fear run through the corridors of your mind, declare your intent ... ‘I CHOOSE LOVE’ and watch the miracle begin.

Zen Intuitive Healing

note from alexa - I haven't been writing much personally lately as I have been in the process of a big move (in more ways than one) but I do love to share a good article. Thank you to Zen Intuitive for today's inspiring article. May the joy and wellness be with you.

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