I am feeling humbly grateful for these great events. Thank you Spirit for your love and your magic :)
I have also learned and deepened my own surrender practice, what works for me, and re-kindled a feeling of being Divinely connected to our benevolent Source.
Thank you god/goddess - All That Is
love joy and namaste... and thank you also to our wonderful realtor, Richard.
Feeling many waves of gratitude :)
and really, I am feeling so humbled and in awe in writing this. truely. I only set out to learn and practice surrender, not "wanting" nor expecting anything other than peace.
Are these happenings coincidence? divine timing that came through all at once? I cannot say. But I can say this,practicing surrender to me means "turning it over to God." period. and without expectations. Just turning over the worry, the guilt, the shame, the "whatever it is." The feelings we don't want to have but do.
I found myself singing the surrender song, my own version of it, like a shaman singing into a golden lake of light. and you know what, it brings me peace. and connection. and back again to Source.
I have not felt this connected to Source in a very very long time. And you know what, it is hard to speak of because it is so deep and dear. But I wanted to share. Because that is part of the journey too.
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