Monday, October 21, 2013

Seagull Medicine - and Connecting with Source and Self Through Nature

Seagull Medicine - and Connecting with Source and Self Through Nature

A few weeks ago I was blessed to stumble upon two beautiful seagull wings on the shore here in Maryland. I now have 2 feathered tools curing in my freezer for my medicine bag, one for cutting, one for clearing energy. I admit I was a bit intimidated to find myself attempting to cure or clean and preserve these pieces here on my own. In my years out west I surely would have called on someone else to help me with the task. However at this point in my life as a healer I feel awakened and capable, and even honored, to learn to practice even a bit of this work with sacred offering today.

In any case, I asked Spirit what this gift presented for me and what it symbolized both personally and in my work as a healer. Here is what I heard:

I carry nurturing mother energy in my healing work and found that the beautiful seagull wings were a gift from the Sea. I love to connect with the Mother near the ocean, and what a powerful and humbling gift from Her. when I came upon them I literally went down onto my knees in reverence of the site and offering. and I felt a connection with myself as a power woman and also with Spirit that I was dearly in need of at the time. I too have also carried the wounds of the un-nurturing mother. The energy around the spot where I found them felt so holy and sacred. It was an experience of connection and honor I scarcely have words to describe. And I felt in my truth and humbled grace and simultaneously held by the Great Mother myself when I found them. I will always remember this experience and affirmation.

I removed a portion of the body that was still attached to one of the pieces, and later at home removed some more. It made the wingpiece so unique and beautiful but I felt it smelled a bit and was more comfortable letting it go. I am now making my first attempt or experience with treating 2 separate and distinct wing pieces for sacred ceremony or work.

I hope the wings come out well as I hold this medicine in high regard. what a beautiful gift from the Mother. though I still had to wash and rewash my hands whenever I handled them and felt a bit intimidated by handling an animal part myself this way, I hope the treating technique I learned will do the trick to and they will feel treated well and complete when they come through the process. nonetheless, I feel honored to carry the Divine Feminine medicine more consciously now into my work. It is the Mother's energy that works through me.

I'd love to inspire you this week to open to nature and the gifts that are all around us in the natural world. There are no small gifts from Spirit and there is always more going on here than meets the eye. When we stumble upon a heart-shaped shell, a sacred owl feather or even a quiet stream trickling peace into our hearts, shamans know that we are connecting not only to nature, but with ourselves and Source. We are connecting to our nature. May your expanding discovery of Self-and-Source through nature be blessed today.
