Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Is there a time-warp going on or is it just me?

I feel like taking a nap.

Are you feeling more tired than usual? Like, maybe all day long? Are you up at night, asleep in the afternoon (no matter what you think you are doing) and longing for a quiet peaceful siesta... before, during, and after lunch? And if you are lucky enough to be able to take that cozy cat nap, do you then awaken to find that suddenly the day has passed and it feels like it just began a few moments ago?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you are not alone.

It seems there's a whole lot of shifting going on. After all, it is 2012, it's springtime, a rebirth of the new, and many of us on the path have worked long and hard to create a New Dream. What I am seeing everywhere is that old dreams are dissolving, old energies are leaving, old stories are crumbling (this can really take alot of rest to process and integrate) and the fresh new Spring consciousness is coming into place. It's a process, as we always say, and it can up our need for sleep and rest as the energy and thoughtforms of the old and the new exhange places and perform their own transformative dance.

If you are feeling the need to sleep more, or to cuddle up cozily at a normally active time of day, and/or if you are finding yourself up in the middle of the night, my directive is this: just accept it. And enjoy the wonder of it if you can.

If, on the other hand and at time same time, some of these moments are filled with old story coming up in the forms of previously stagnating thoughts, long playing emotions or old repetitive memories, don't wrestle with them or yourself too much, in fact, don't wrestle with any of it at all. Just notice they are clearing, note your awareness, and find something creative or soothing - or gently active, to do. This might include any creative art project like gardening or drawing or humming while you do some dishes. You may notice there is also a slowing down and a real sense of waking meditation that is also settling into your daily tasks and routines. Just say yes, to the transformation and stay out of the way. The energy right now is actually quite soothing if you'll notice this, and it along with your own higher consiousness is doing all the work. All we have to do is let go, and let god. or goddess or universe, or grace, or love or consciousness or source. whatever you may call the higher love. So...

Ahhh... time for another nap. And the sweetness that I'm experiencing each time I wake up... a little more.

Welcome to the beginning of the sprouting of the seeds of your New Dream.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Meditating with your Allies

As we continue to work with and develop our experience base with our very real and connectable allies of the invisible realms, our faith and confidence in allowing them to teach, guide and assist us also expands.

Meditating with your spiritual allies can be a powerful and enriching experience. Over the past year I have made a practice of calling in and getting to know my personal spirit allies on a more direct level and turning over a period of the day or evening to work with them. I have often called on my own circle of healing assistance when I was struggling with either a sleepless night or some other discomfort and the results were immediate. And so gratefully received.

Whereas receiving Divine Healing Energy in the form of universal reiki or golden life healing particles is best experienced when we let go of thoughts of specific ailments and let the Energy go naturally to the source (the energy knows where to go, we just stay out of It's way and receive), there is another way we can work on current symptoms with an invisible team of healers when we'd like that comfort and connection as well. A practice that I have especially utilized and come to love was designing my own medical assistance team. Here on some pointers on how I do that and how you may begin to practice this too:

How to do it: lay on your back with arms and legs straight and unencumbered, and ask to know and call in any allies that you feel a connection with. These can be ascended masters, spiritual healers you work with, lineages, religious figures, angels, archangels, totem animals, animals you know and/or whose energy your resonate with, etc. After calling in your guides and inviting them to be part of your healing team, ask them to work together with each other and you to heal your body, mind, emotions, spirit and/or soul. Devise a symbol of connection that you will use at the beginning of your session whever you want to call upon and connect with them. This can be ringing a bell, opening a door, or miming anything that comes to you to be your own unique and special connection activity. Let the symbol come to you naturally as you first learn to breathe, relax, listen and allow. Then ask, aloud, for the session to begin.

Once it does and you are in the zone with them, talk to them. Tell them in detail what you are experiencing that you need or would like help with. Be specific. Angels and other Guides are often unable to assist us unless we ask, and ask specifically, for the help that we are wanting. Tell them out loud what you are dealing with and invite them to send and guide you in a sacred healing session. During your session, keep in touch with them and do your best to focus on something beautiful and serene, like a nature scene or pleasant feeling, as best you can, to allow their love and energy to reach you and your mental, emotional, physical and/or energetic bodies, unobstructedly. Allow.

When the session is complete, often after about an hour, sometimes more, sometimes less, express your gratitude for the healing and love you have received. You may be surprised at how easily and wonderfully the time and session flows. When you are complete, release the circle and disconnect the circuit by making your closing gesture, just as you used it to begin your session and open the connection. This may also include a calling in of the directions at the start, and a releasing of the directions at the ending, of your session. Or whatever you do personally on your chosen path to create sacred space for you. Do what feels good and familiar, safe and snuggly, for you.

In any case, take your time with it. Breathe and get quiet. Listen and enjoy. Explore gently and allow. The results may be amazing.

Enjoy. And have a blessed and healthy day.