This will be my last Awakened Journey blog post which is actually long overdue as the Feminine force of re-creation has certainly been having her way with us and just about everything during the past several years, hasn't She?
In our world today we call for global sanity, change and healing and have rocky days ahead yet, but what a momentous time to be alive. May the courageous healing work we have completely or continue individually and collectively support the collective and personal benefit of all. As we continue to pray and envision and act towards the rebirthing and awakening of our earth and world and protection for all sentient beings and our earth herself, let us remember to call often upon the sacredness of all things. And celebrate the beauty, it is everywhere. Just keep looking and looking, just keep looking again until you see it. In deepest compassion for All, the Awakened Soul, Thank you for travelling with me.
In love and in Lak'Ech
I am another you
Alexa Ashikia*Eaglefeather , the name the dolphins and the Earth mother gave me
Oh, Eagle, come with wings
outspread in sunny skies.
Oh, Eagle, come and bring us
peace, thy gentle peace.
Oh, Eagle, come and give
new life to us who pray.
Remember the circle of the sky,
the stars, and the brown eagle,
the great life of the Sun
the young within the nest.
Remember the
Sacredness of All Things
Pawnee Prayer / Oh Eagle
photo: Roy Handcliff @Barclay Media google.images
above photo: Teotihuacan, Mexico - Pyramid of the Sun
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