Springtime is everywhere, blossoms are blooming, new energy is being activated and it is time for old stories and patterns to transform and en-lighten. Recent solar flares and cosmic consciousness is pushing many of the things that have caused us to feel stuck in our lives to leave our fields creating clear fertile ground for the new. It is 2012 and a time for a global shift from the wounded to the healed. For many of us, it has been quite the ride!
Despite the call and influx of the new Spring energy, many people have been feeling more tired than usual and there is an increased need to rest, receive, rejuviante and renew. Noticing and becoming more fully aware of the things that help us feel nurtured and re-fueled is highly recommended. Enjoy some gentle cleansing, walking meditation amid the gorgeous blossoms and anything that brings you joy at this time of opening to the new. It is coming in! I even gave myself the gift of a wonder-ful shopping spree and bought myself 2 new goddess dresses... something I have not done in Years!
We are globally in a grand period of rapid transformation energies, which are paradoxically also quite gentle and soothing if you tune in. This is a loving year as we are being held and led from the old world cycle of 2012 into the new that begins with the dawning of 2013 later this year. This is a true gateway to the new world and dream, both individually and collectively. And what is yet to be created depends on all of us.
It is also a time for celebration. For those of us who have been working our paths, our new dreams are starting to take root! If things feel exhausting and bumpy in some key areas, that's ok, it's all a part of the switch and letting go of that which no longer serves. Despite our need for greater periods of rest and focus and being gentle with ourselves at this momentous time... take some time to Celebrate and Welcome in the New!
Awakened Journey is wishing you and all of our members the blessings of rejuvination, and the wish for celebration as the new Spring energy supports us. Come share, read our newest blogs and add some support to your journey!
And if you haven't already, join us on Facebook! This link should bring you there: www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000858884565&sk=info or look us up on FB at Awakened Journey. We'd love to see you there!
And remember: "Becoming aware is about being responsible for your own life. You are not responsible for what is happening in the world. You are responsible for yourself." - don Miguel Ruiz
Our own self-responsibility is what is changing our lives and the world.And remember: "Becoming aware is about being responsible for your own life. You are not responsible for what is happening in the world. You are responsible for yourself." - don Miguel Ruiz
Happy Spring and blessings on your journey!!
with love from Alexa and friends at

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