Friday, August 10, 2012

Don't Take Anything Personally - Handling Petty Tyrants

Today's Practice:
Don't take anything personally - Not even your own ego

Is there a petty tyrant in your life who seemingly blocks your experience of peace? Maybe a relative, a coworker, someone in your life whose words or behavior 'makes' you feel angry, hurt, afraid, invalidated, unloved or attacked? Take some time out today to sit with "your" emotional perception. This person is now your teacher. Maybe in the past they were your sister, your boss, etc., but today allow this shift - Today this person has become your teacher. -- See it as a game of consciousness. Try to gain even a little more detached awareness about your perception of these continued events. Maybe they have been in your life for many years, so you have tender wiring that also needs your care and attention. Give it. Have a plan as to how you will relate and handle the next encounter with this individual. Really see it and make it real. Wire in that you are prepared and ready to implement this change. Maybe you will choose to set a boundary. If you can't set one physically, how else can you set one? Really see it, feel how it feels to claim this inner strength. Now see an encounter with this person transpiring in the near future. Feel your inner peace and humble empowerment remain stable as you are moving through the encounter with calm and ease and grace. With awareness. When you are done, ask your inner self to trust that you will care for and protect them, just as you did in the visualization. Teach them that this person is really the one who has no peace. Practice your detached compassion. If even for five minutes today. And continue to build on that until you are completely free. It's time

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