Sunday, December 20, 2015



And the Truth is... Love.
If it's not Love, it's not the Truth.

Love risks everything
The faux but outward safety
of keeping inner fires hidden in the status quo

True Love speaks up and out
From the heart
It cannot be silenced or quenched
No matter how soft and tender it feels on the inside of the rage against injustice and suffering
Or the threats of public or personal
Or how it pushes our own comfort zones

Love is the Creed of the Spiritual Warrior
The beloved Archangel
The Fierce Mother
The Bohdisattva heart & mind & Soul

Love may not be the norm yet in this world
(When it is we shall have Conscious Peace)
But it is growing
And it is the only thing
That has ever changed,
or will save,
This Earth .

Alexa Surya Karuna Major 1.19.17

You can use this knowing to discern everything we will witness being touted by this coming administration too: 
And the Truth is... Love.
If it's not Love, it's not the Truth.

image: cape_cod_tree_services via googleImages

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Heading into Dreaming Season

This will be my last Awakened Journey blog post which is actually long overdue as the Feminine force of re-creation has certainly been having her way with us and just about everything during the past several years, hasn't She? 
In our world today we call for global sanity, change and healing and have rocky days ahead yet, but what a momentous time to be alive. May the courageous healing work we have completely or continue individually and collectively support the collective and personal benefit of all. As we continue to pray and envision and act towards the rebirthing and awakening of our earth and world and protection for all sentient beings and our earth herself, let us remember to call often upon the sacredness of all things. And celebrate the beauty, it is everywhere. Just keep looking and looking, just keep looking again until you see it. In deepest compassion for All, the Awakened Soul, Thank you for travelling with me. 

In love and in Lak'Ech
I am another you
Alexa Ashikia*Eaglefeather , the name the dolphins and the Earth mother gave me 

A prayer for our World. It needs it so deeply right now. 

Oh, Eagle, come with wings
outspread in sunny skies.
Oh, Eagle, come and bring us
peace, thy gentle peace.
Oh, Eagle, come and give
new life to us who pray.

Remember the circle of the sky,
the stars, and the brown eagle,
the great life of the Sun
the young within the nest.

Remember the 
Sacredness of All Things

Pawnee Prayer / Oh Eagle

photo: Roy Handcliff @Barclay Media google.images
above photo: Teotihuacan, Mexico - Pyramid of the Sun 

Preparing for Winter Solstice - Transitioning from Old to New

Preparing for Winter Solstice ~ Transitioning from Old to New

I spent the day on Wednesday cleansing the entire home with sage and palo santo. The weather here was mild, so all windows were open and it felt... wonderful! I also spent an equal amount of time inviting in New Energies, the Four Directions Blessings, the Present moment (and fresh new conscious energy, we and our world need us to stay Here) and offering some gifts for the approaching Solstice. After a long deep year of butt kicking inner work clearing out the proverbial cobwebs and coming to stand in an entirely new and transformed space and perspective with it all, it felt great. In the process I created an altar mandala that supports the deep collective call I am feeling for conscious Love, Forgiveness & Peace on Earth.

Here's a great piece from Shamanic Path today. We're all on the same page and wavelength. Enjoy ~ ~~ ☆

Winter Solstice is Monday, December 21 at 9:49PM MST
Dear Friends,

This is the darkest time, the still point that marks the TRANSITION from dark to light. It is a fitting image for our times as the conscious collective holds a container for the planet to move more into the light through compassion and love. Forgiveness would be an excellent theme for this Solstice. Forgiving yourself, others and all our relations on the planet for all the karmic debt that we have individually and collectively carried throughout history and other lifetimes.

There is enough energy in the new platform to accomplish this. It is important to do something around this solstice time frame. Create a ritual, or do a renewal process, some intention setting and lots of prayer. Although this solstice is not necessarily an easy time, it is a powerful time and if you use it well it can jump start your year in a positive way.

Here is a suggestion for a ritual to do around this solstice time.

Make an offering that you can either burn or bury of something written or drawn on a piece of paper folded up. You can add symbolic objects, photos, incense, sage, and decorations. Tie it up or just fold the paper around your offering. Say a prayer where you ask the Spirit of the WEST and Pacha Mama to receive that which you are letting go of, leaving behind and completing on this solstice. Breathe all the energy and emotions connected to your release into your offering and then bury or burn it, releasing it to spirit. Make sure to include great gratitude for all the lessons, wisdom and growth you acquired over the past year. Include forgiveness and compassion for yourself and for others.

Once you do a ritual like this it is important to fill the new space with something fresh and new. You may not know what that is yet, but you can symbolize it with flowers, beauty, love and joy. And for those who do know exactly what you wish to bring in, write it, or draw it and place it on an altar or in a place where you can honor it daily as you move

Note: for those of you on the other side of the equator, your solstice is a summer one. The same ritual can apply as it is a powerful time to transition from one aspect of your life to another.

The Power Path
photo: my altar to the four directions