Sunday, December 4, 2011

Visions of Holly Trees

Amazing. I was working with holly medicine this morning (as per my previous blog) and in the afternoon went to the maryland shore with my family. After spending some beautiful time on the sunny beach we went for a short hike in the neighboring forest area of the park - where we walked directly into a magical forest full of, what do you think?? ... holly trees! I am not kidding. I had never seen holly trees before. And they were everywhere! I wouldn't have even noticed the cheery and flourishing bright red berries and familiar holiday leaves had my hubby not said, "hey, these are holly trees!" There were bright berry-filled holly trees everywhere. And hubby had no idea I had just read and blogged about this powerful healing medicine today, a message that was so poignant not only for the season but to my own journey at this time as well. It was soo magical!!

Here is a photo of Eric surrounded by these beautiful trees.

Needless to say, I was stunned by the synchronicity and wonder of this experience, and I gently broke off a few boughs and brought them home. They are now displayed happily on our mantle, where I am in the presence and energy of this amazing medicine even as I write. It was sooo wonderous! and another reminder that we are led and blessed by the Universe each and every day.

I hope that some readers will take the time to share and read about this medicine in my previous blog. Especially at this Season, it is an important and powerful friend.

love and blessings, and boughs of holly to all.

These are all holly trees embracing a lovely little maryland stream. I have never seen holly trees before. Until today that is!

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