Thursday, June 18, 2015

Integrating Awakened Masculine Energy with the Feminine

Integrating Awakened Masculine Energy with the Feminine ~~ 

We are currently in a collective cosmic pocket where many of us are learning or experiencing the balancing our inner awakened masculine and feminine energies. This movement holds true for both men and women and is a natural progression in working with the great influx of Feminine energy that has been rebirthed on our planet collectively post the 2012-14 shift. Amazing days.
As we continue our inner work as well to continue to clear and heal the core mother/father (masculine/feminine) wounding that humanity has experienced individually and as a whole, let these words around the awakening masculine help serve you in identifying and balancing (bringing forth) the feminine and masculine that resides within us all.
"Th[e] awakened masculine energy arises as we become skilled in integrating our descents in the black hole [of whole-istic recovery/awakening]. This energy is alert, calm, spacious and lovingly fierce. This masculine energy is like a laser beam; precise, committed to unapologetic action that comes from a place of highest service, with utmost integrity and unwavering commitment. I experience this masculine energy like the energy of an eagle—it has deep clarity and a higher outlook that allows it to take swift, precise action at the right time. It has an energy of “It is done” and success being assured, not from an arrogant place but from a place of immense love and clear direction" ~~ Bethany Webster
Deep work is happening now, and is being so sweetly held within the soothing delight of summertime and its kind of relaxed ease that so lovingly allows for it all. So relax. Sink into summer. And remember, there is nothing "to do." Just be aware. And allow.
~ Namaste

Artwork: EagleWoman by Boulet

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Change - Breaking Out of Old Skins

Most of us are aware that we are living in a very powerful time when the air we breathe virtually sizzles with the energy of change... Signs of shedding old skins have been everywhere in nature the last few weeks, and just as we wrap up this sweet but potent period of mercury retrograde.

Last week our local trees were literally crackling out of their protective old barks, revealing new and vulnerable (gorgeous) virgin wood underneath. Yesterday I saw 3 snakes in the grass. Three! The first sweet gardener pictured below sunbathed by my home, and later a long (very long, yikes) slithering black water snake crossed my walking path just where a bridge crosses over a neighborhood stream. It has been startling. And the message from the beautiful virgin wood exposed reinforces our need to honor and acknowledge our (strong but still) vulnerable New selves as we emerge yet again Anew.

I have never seen the trees look quite like this before. Messages from Spirit shine everywhere. What messages is nature sending you? Keep your eyes open. Magical days. Potent.