I feel like taking a nap.
Are you feeling more tired than usual? Like, maybe all day long? Are you up at night, asleep in the afternoon (no matter what you think you are doing) and longing for a quiet peaceful siesta... before, during, and after lunch? And if you are lucky enough to be able to take that cozy cat nap, do you then awaken to find that suddenly the day has passed and it feels like it just began a few moments ago?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you are not alone.
It seems there's a whole lot of shifting going on. After all, it is 2012, it's springtime, a rebirth of the new, and many of us on the path have worked long and hard to create a New Dream. What I am seeing everywhere is that old dreams are dissolving, old energies are leaving, old stories are crumbling (this can really take alot of rest to process and integrate) and the fresh new Spring consciousness is coming into place. It's a process, as we always say, and it can up our need for sleep and rest as the energy and thoughtforms of the old and the new exhange places and perform their own transformative dance.
If you are feeling the need to sleep more, or to cuddle up cozily at a normally active time of day, and/or if you are finding yourself up in the middle of the night, my directive is this: just accept it. And enjoy the wonder of it if you can.
If, on the other hand and at time same time, some of these moments are filled with old story coming up in the forms of previously stagnating thoughts, long playing emotions or old repetitive memories, don't wrestle with them or yourself too much, in fact, don't wrestle with any of it at all. Just notice they are clearing, note your awareness, and find something creative or soothing - or gently active, to do. This might include any creative art project like gardening or drawing or humming while you do some dishes. You may notice there is also a slowing down and a real sense of waking meditation that is also settling into your daily tasks and routines. Just say yes, to the transformation and stay out of the way. The energy right now is actually quite soothing if you'll notice this, and it along with your own higher consiousness is doing all the work. All we have to do is let go, and let god. or goddess or universe, or grace, or love or consciousness or source. whatever you may call the higher love. So...
Ahhh... time for another nap. And the sweetness that I'm experiencing each time I wake up... a little more.
Welcome to the beginning of the sprouting of the seeds of your New Dream.
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